Vietnam’s Proposed Visa Easing to Boost Tourism Industry

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Vietnam‘s tourism industry is set to receive a significant boost as the government proposes to ease visa requirements for foreign visitors. The move aims to attract more tourists to the country and help the tourism industry recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to a proposal submitted by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT), visitors from 10 countries, including Australia, Canada, India, and the United States, will be eligible for visa exemptions for stays of up to 30 days. The proposal also includes a visa waiver for visitors from five European countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, for stays of up to 15 days.

The visa easing measures are expected to take effect in July 2023, subject to approval by the Vietnamese government. This is seen as a positive step towards boosting Vietnam’s tourism industry, which has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. The move is expected to benefit the country’s tourism industry, including hotels, airlines, and tour operators, which have been struggling to recover from the impact of the pandemic.

“We believe that the visa exemptions will make it easier for foreign visitors to travel to Vietnam and experience the country’s rich culture and beautiful landscapes,” said a spokesperson for the VNAT. The proposed visa easing measures will help to attract more tourists to Vietnam and boost the tourism industry, which has been severely impacted by the pandemic.

Vietnam has been successful in controlling the spread of Covid-19, with relatively low numbers of cases and deaths compared to other countries in the region. The country has also been recognized as one of the top travel destinations in Asia, with its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty. With the proposed visa easing measures, Vietnam is poised to attract more tourists and strengthen its position as a top travel destination.

The move is expected to open up opportunities for travel businesses, hotels, and restaurants. Travel agencies and tour operators are also expected to benefit from the visa easing measures, as they will be able to offer more attractive packages to foreign visitors. The easing of visa requirements is seen as a key factor in promoting tourism and driving economic growth in Vietnam.

In conclusion, the proposed visa easing measures are expected to have a significant positive impact on Vietnam’s tourism industry. With the easing of visa requirements, Vietnam is likely to attract more foreign visitors and strengthen its position as a top travel destination in Asia. The move is expected to benefit not only the tourism industry but also the wider economy, as it creates opportunities for businesses to grow and generate more revenue.

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