Vote for Lux Travel DMC at the World Travel Awards

by Huyen Nguyen
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Lux Travel DMC has been nominated in five prestigious categories at the World Travel Awards 2024.

We are thrilled to announce that Lux Travel DMC has been nominated in five prestigious categories at the World Travel Awards 2024. Building on our victories in 2022 and 2023 as Asia’s Leading Luxury Tour Operator and Vietnam’s Leading Destination Management Company, these nominations are a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability in the travel industry. We are honored to be recognized once again and invite you to support us by casting your vote.

I. Why Vote for Lux Travel DMC?

1. Proven Track Record of Excellence:

Lux Travel DMC won at World Travel Awards 2023

Lux Travel DMC won at World Travel Awards 2023

Lux Travel DMC has a distinguished history of delivering outstanding travel experiences, evidenced by our consecutive winners at the World Travel Awards in 2022 and 2023. These accolades reflect our unwavering commitment to quality and our ability to consistently exceed our clients’ expectations. By voting for us, you recognize our dedication to maintaining and elevating industry standards.

2. Leadership in Sustainable Tourism:

At Lux Travel DMC, we believe that tourism should benefit both the traveler and the destination. We are at the forefront of sustainable tourism, implementing practices that protect the environment and support local communities. Our zero plastic initiative has significantly reduced our environmental footprint, and we actively engage in conservation projects and community development programs. Voting for us supports a company that prioritizes the planet and its people.

3. Luxurious and Personalized Travel Experiences:

We specialize in crafting bespoke travel itineraries that cater to the unique preferences and needs of our clients. From luxury accommodations to exclusive tours, our personalized services ensure that every trip is a memorable and unique experience. Our attention to detail and commitment to excellence in customer service make us a top choice for discerning travelers.

4. Expertise in Destination Management:

As a leading destination management company, Lux Travel DMC possesses in-depth local knowledge and a vast network of partners. This expertise allows us to offer exceptional travel experiences that showcase the best of Asia and Vietnam. Our well-curated itineraries provide insider access to hidden gems and cultural highlights, ensuring an enriching and immersive travel experience.

5. Commitment to Innovation and Quality:

Innovation is at the heart of Lux Travel DMC’s operations. We continually strive to improve our services and offerings, embracing new technologies and trends to enhance the travel experience. Our commitment to quality is unwavering, and we consistently seek feedback from our clients to ensure we meet and exceed their expectations.

6. Industry Recognition and Awards:

Being nominated in five categories at the World Travel Awards 2024 is a testament to our hard work, dedication, and the high standards we uphold. These nominations are not just a recognition of our past achievements but also a reflection of our ongoing efforts to lead and innovate in the travel industry.

Besides, Lux Travel DMC has already received numerous awards in Tourism such as Asia’s Leading Tour Operator Touching Hearts,  Luxury Lifestyle Award, Travelife Partner Committed to Sustainability

7. Positive Impact on Local Communities:

We believe in giving back to the communities that make our travel experiences so special. Lux Travel DMC actively supports local economies by partnering with local businesses, artisans, and guides. Our sustainable tourism practices ensure that tourism benefits local people, preserving their culture and traditions while providing economic opportunities.

II. How to Vote at the World Travel Awards:

Your vote is crucial in helping us continue our streak of excellence. Here’s how you can support Lux Travel DMC:

Visit the World Travel Awards voting page.
Step 1: Register or log in with your email.
Step 2: Select the categories and cast your vote for Lux Travel DMC in the following nominations:
Asia’s Leading Tour Operator 2024
Asia’s Leading Luxury Tour Operator 2024
Asia’s Leading Destination Management Company 2024
Vietnam’s Leading Destination Management Company 2024
Vietnam’s Leading Tour Operator 2024

The World Travel Awards, known as the Oscars of the travel industry, recognize and reward excellence in the global travel and tourism industry. The awards are voted for by travel industry professionals and consumers, and winners are announced at a gala ceremony each year.

Lux Travel DMC’s nominations in five categories at the 2024 World Travel Awards highlight the company’s commitment to excellence in the travel industry. With its exceptional service and expertise, Lux Travel DMC is poised to continue delivering unforgettable travel experiences to clients across Vietnam and beyond.

Vote now to support Lux Travel DMC and recognize our outstanding contributions to the travel industry.

III. About Lux Travel DMC

Lux Travel DMC, Vietnam’s First Luxury Tour Company, offers you carefree luxury travel so you and your family can focus on the fun, not the details. Challenge your skills at the country’s most spectacular golf courses. Soak up the sun while being soothed by the sound of breaking surf. Hunt for high-fashion couture in the most elegant cities of Vietnam. Envision any vacation experience you want; name it, we deliver it in style.

Beaches, signature golf, spa destinations, fine cuisine, adventure, romance, tours to magnificent cities, family-friendly retreats, and sublime cultural experiences- the world of travel awaits you. Fly on a chartered plane or by helicopter, stay in an exclusive resort, a private-charted junk cruise in Halong Bay, luxury vacation home or a private residence club.

Having opened in 2005, we were the very first luxury tour operator and DMC in Vietnam.  Based in Hanoi, with offices throughout Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand, we also have our own luxury vehicles, and representative offices in California, London, Berlin, and Sydney.

Our company speaks your language having a polyglot team. We operate with confidence from our 20 years of experiences and solid partnerships fulfilling the most sophisticated client.

Our company is a fully-licensed and accredited full-service travel agency and inbound and outbound luxury tour operator. We are Vietnam’s First Luxury Tour Company. Our company excels in business and leisure travel. We offer services not only for tour operators and travels agents, MICE planners but also for leisure-free independent travelers worldwide.

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